The ongoing saga of my 1972 Fiat Spider restoration project.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2003


The last few days have been good for the car. Been driving it a bit. Think I've put probably 15 miles on since Monday. Tuesday, Neil came over and we took it for a short spin to get Jamba Juice. Then later that day I drove it on a little loop or two, just for kicks.

And then today, Tracy and I took it for a quick trip over to Starbucks. We included a few mile round trip thru Mira Mesa to spend more time in the car. This was her first experience...she wanted to go further until I pointed out it might stall and she'd have to wait by the side of the road for a bit. Heh.

I set the timing later wasn't off very much but at least now I know it's correct. That whole electronic ignition was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Plus now I have a cool timing gun. Started it up, it seems to be starting easier and easier, then took it for another 5-10 mile drive around Miramar, etc. Also found out that while I was jiggling wires, I must have fixed the interior lights. Yay. Now I can drive at night AND see the instrument cluster.

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