The ongoing saga of my 1972 Fiat Spider restoration project.
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Monday, May 26, 2003

Krazy Glue rocks

Today was mildly productive. I didn't do a lot of work, but I felt like I made some strides towards the daily driver that I hope my car eventually will become. It was Dave's birthday. I didn't want to drive the car without first fixing the carb leak. There is a brass nipple that has been leaking fuel on the intake manifold. Not good. I don't want a fire. So I spent a few minutes with some 'works on metal!' Krazy Glue and it seemed to fix the problem. I was quite stunned at how well it worked actually. That's good stuff.

Cleaned the car off, put on the air cleaner, threw some tools in the back and made the 2.6 mile drive to the party with hardly an issue. My horn had become disconnected so tapping it only made a slight squawk. And I guess the idle was too low or something because it tried to die on me a few times. It may just need some carb cleaner or to be run a bit. I hope it's not a real problem that can't be fixed.

My timing felt a bit off after the electronic ignition install, so after fixing the idle and re-attaching the horn, I left Dave's and went to Kragen to get a timing light. E-Gad, the cheapest one was $50. Then the dumb shit behind the counter tries to sell me one that was $135. So off to Autozone to pick up one for $30 that's just what I needed.

I am kinda tired of Kragen. The Mira mesa branch is full of pompus idiots. They don't care about the customers and don't know what they sell. At least when the Autozone guys don't know something, they admit it and try to help. Grr.

The drive home was fine, even with 2 stops. I started to set the timing but the exhaust was too hot and I didn't want to burn myself trying to undo the distributor cap bolt. So I'll do that later.

Tomorrow I need to test my temp sensor and fan switch, then order some stuff from IAP. Probably should look at replacing the timing belt while I'm at it.

Tried to install the 2 lenses for the tail lights so I wouldn't get a ticket. But I broke off the bolt when I tried to get it out.

Definitely need to clean the car. Look how dirty it is. And I need to replace the pregnant hoses too. Hope to get it washed tomorrow at one of those places with a pressure washer. And take it for another semi-long drive. Maybe lunch or something.

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