
How to set up an encrypted SOCKS proxy

I downloaded, installed and compiled usocksd on my remote (home) server. I put the long command in a script so I wouldn't have to remember it.

#! /bin/bash -x

ssh -L44444:[remote]:12345 [remote] "usocksd -p 12345 -a[remote] -U[user]"

Where [remote] = remote server (at home) that is running usocksd and [user] = the proxy username.

Running the above script prompts you for your password and then for the password of the proxy, then launches in the foreground. I am using ssh from cygwin on my WindowsXP desktop at work.

Then you set up your software you want sent through the proxy. I set GAIM to use a SOCKS 5 proxy with the appropriate port settings. Now I can't have my AIM messages sniffed by anyone at work. Careful now, remember that is is only encrypted between your desktop and the proxy. For real encrypted AIM, I recommend Gaim-E. But for keeping The Man at bay, this works great.

This would of course, work with anything else that supports SOCKS, web browsing, IRC, etc.

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