
sparse copies

# cp --sparse=always file1 file2

Will not use up extra space by copying blocks that have no data. Good for swap files, ISO's, filesystem images, etc.

You could use dd to make a VERY large FS this way:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=wherever.ext3 bs=1024 count=0 seek=2048
# mkfs.ext3 wherever.ext3

...would set up a 2G filesystem that only takes up about 5 meg on disk and would grow as you used files. You can see the difference by using ls -ls:

# ls -ls wherever.ext3


Solaris system paramaters

Apparently you can set these on the fly:

adb -kw

....to set the max number of procs a user can have to 1024. Pretty nifty. You'll need a hex calculator for the last number.


Macs and X11

Open an X11 query from Terminal.app


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