The ongoing saga of my 1972 Fiat Spider restoration project.
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Friday, August 27, 2004

Wheels, Bolts and a mess

So, I'm all moved in. The car has a new home. I haven't had a lot of time to work on her since I have so much house stuff to do, but tonight I made some progress.

Last time I wrote, I was waiting on bolts to arrive and about to move. Well, I test-fit the bolts last night with the new wheels. They fit. Yessssss! And they look cool too! I still lust after the Panasports and wonder if these were the right choice, but these are a heck of a lot rarer...and a heck of a lot cheaper!

I also made a huge mess trying to drain the coolant in preperation for installing the new radiator this weekend. I even bought one of those flat tubs. It contianed most of the mess, but coolant still drained all down the sides and out to the edges of the car. Karl's method of just throwing down a ton of newspaper sounds like it might be the way to go. At least you'd have an easier way to dispose of it all. Maybe. Tracy took a funny shot of me triumphantly holding the overflow tank.

I missed the Monterey goal this year due to the move. Kind of a big bummer, I really wish I could have taken it up this year. But, now I have a new goal. There is a work event where you bring in your hobbies to show off...I'm gonna see if I can get it together in time for's Sept 24th. We'll see. I have a lot to do, but it might be possible.
I enjoy your writing very much. Since you have replaced the pictured wheels (BWA's), do you have any plans for them? I have collected three (unrefinished) examples but would rather have four-five finished. I have been watching ebay (I am double282).
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